Holiday season is rapidly approaching with all its joys. One of the major correlations with the holiday season is the food surrounding it. It seems like from October to January we are surrounded by candy, cookies, holiday get-togethers with cocktails and more delicious foods. For a diabetic this can become a recipe for disaster. Uncontrolled eating causes blood sugars to spike and run crazy. When blood sugars get out of hand it can lead to further damage to the body; by keeping blood sugar in a consistent state we can help prevent that damage. This can be an overwhelming task especially when there is temptation around for 3 months. Here are 7 ways to help maintain healthy blood sugars during the holidays.

Reason for the Season
During holiday get-togethers focus on the people around and the reason for the gathering. Don’t let the food be the center of focus.
Snack before you go
Before you head out to the party, get-together or dinner have a balanced snack. Stick to a high protein and fat snack to keep you full longer and prevent you from overindulging. Some examples that are quick include hard-boiled eggs, string cheese and grass-fed beef sticks, cottage cheese, cashews, or almonds.
Stay hydrated
Make sure to drink plenty of water during the day before the outing. If there will be alcohol consumption, drink a glass of water per glass of alcohol consumed.
Don’t skip meals
The day of don’t skip meals because you want to fill up on all the delicious foods at the event. It is important to still eat a balanced breakfast and lunch before going. This will keep you from overindulging and eating an unnecessary amount.
Bring your own dish
If you have any dietary restrictions on top of diabetes, bringing your own dish can help so you know you have something to eat. Make it something healthy like a vegetable tray, an appetizer that contains protein and fat, a dessert that involves fruit and is on the low glycemic index. It doesn’t have to be boring, but it doesn’t have to sabotage your blood sugar either!
A simple 10–20-minute walk after meals can help to keep post meal blood sugars down and leveled. Encourage family to take a walk with you or if able to play a game of basketball or football with the family.
Good sleep and low stress
Make sure to get enough sleep each night. Holidays can be stressful but keeping stress levels down and resting can help to keep blood sugar levels maintained. High stress can cause blood sugars to spike. Don’t forget to take time for yourself.